Rashell looked at the map and found a spectacular botanical garden on the southern tip of the island of Tahiti.  That was going to be our next stop but, as usual, we didn’t quite hit the mark.  Our planned destinations were the Harrison Smith Botanical Garden and the Paul Gauguin Museum but we stopped at the first one we saw, the Vaipahi Water Gardens. The bonus was that it was free and because it was so hot, we got to take pictures of plants and move on.

This is why they’re water gardens.
Palm tree and lily pads

Tree roots
The formal gardens

Layers of plants

While walking around the gardens, Jason was using the 16-35mm wide angle lens while I had the 90mm macro lens.  As you can guess, we ended up with a lot of photos of flowers and plants.

These flowers were huge! and everywhere.
I like the line of these leaves
Excellent lighting
red and green
I like the shape of this one
This was my favorite flower

This might be my favorite picture

flowers in tree roots
Lotus flower
I liked these purple flowers
Another lily pad texture photo

One more thing I noticed about Tahiti is that there are chickens everywhere! Roosters and hens and various ages of chicks all running around clucking and digging at the dirt.

Tiny little chick!

I mentioned this in a previous post, but people here set up little stands to sell fruit along the road.  One lady had bananas for sale at the entrance to the gardens.  They were, by far, the best bananas I’ve ever had!


Since Jason now has a camera, I actually get some pictures of myself!

I exist
This was a big tree!
He even got Rashell shooting something on the ground

It was at this point that Rashell got to teach me the sorority girl pose.  I’m not sure why we did this, because we both easily fit into the photo…but whatever. It was fun.