I’m almost glad I procrastinate so much because I have a super cool post prepared for this week’s “motion” photo challenge! Jason recently got a new camera…or rather, I gave him my old one and upgraded myself… but that’s not important right now… Jason describes himself as “not artistic” but enjoys the overly nitpicky, technical branches of photography that I rarely have the patience for.  He saw a tutorial where you take steel wool, shove it into a metal whisk, set it on fire and spin it around while taking a photo at a super long shutter speed. So why not try it? what’s the worst that could happen? Turns out it was pretty fun and we got some interesting shots down in the underground portion of Fort Flagler!

Down by the bomb hoists
Inside a dark room
spinning around in a circle
an umbrella of sparks

This was way more fun than I expected it to be. I was mostly worried about shooting sparks around in a public place and getting arrested, losing our jobs, and then having to live in a van down by the river. Luckily there weren’t a lot of people up in Port Townsend on a Monday in winter. 😉 Jason wants to do an entire series of these things, so stay tuned for more!