So in an effort to motivate myself to take more photos (during winter… when it’s rainy…) I’ve started another one of those photo challenges.  These things really are a lot of fun and force me to think more creatively!  However, due to my natural disregard for rules, I’m doing it in whatever order I darn well please.  Hence starting with #16. Celebration was pretty fitting since it is Christmas Day! 🙂


Jason got a present! He must have been at least OK this year...
Jason got a present! He must have been at least OK this year…
Some sort of little home made angry bird ornament
Some sort of little home made angry bird ornament
We've had this one a long time!
We’ve had this one a long time!
Black and white
Black and white
So many colors!
So many colors!
Cat derping around by the tree
Cat derping around by the tree
Portrait of Duster by the presents. It's not fair that a damn cat can be that photogenic...
Portrait of Duster by the presents. It’s not fair that a damn cat can be that photogenic…
He sleeps under the tree all day and guards the presents.
He sleeps under the tree all day and guards the presents.
Tree! Mom likes wrapping things and Jason likes unwrapping things. They get along great!
They got new catnip mice for Christmas... and a lot of crinkled up paper.
They got new catnip mice for Christmas… and a lot of crinkled up paper.
Is it just me or does he look really judgmental?
Is it just me or does he look really judgmental?
Saw a tutorial where you take a long exposure shot and zoom out while it's taking. Pretty neat!
Saw a tutorial where you take a long exposure shot and zoom out while it’s taking. Pretty neat!
...and of course I kept doing it!
…and of course I kept doing it!
...and how about monochrome?
…and how about monochrome?
...and then I got even more creative and did stars!
…and then I got even more creative and did stars!
He loves bows.  He wore that thing all around the house!
He loves bows. He wore that thing all around the house!
...and he doesn't like to share!
…and he doesn’t like to share!
Mom bought me another giant coffee mug!
Mom bought me another giant coffee mug!
Dad got a Hawaiian hula Obama bobblehead. We have very serious Christmas presents here!
Dad got a Hawaiian hula Obama bobblehead. We have very serious Christmas presents here!
The aftermath...
The aftermath…

I’ve been super excited for Christmas this year.  I bounced around the office like an idiot for a solid week.. I think it’s because it’s my parents’ first year living up here and our first Christmas in a long time where we live in the same area.  I made myself stay in bed until 5:30 and then we woke up and drank coffee and went around the room opening presents to eke out the fun longer.  Jason made apple french toast and then I went for a run! Pretty awesomely relaxing day! Merry Christmas, everyone! 🙂