So in an effort to motivate myself to take more photos (during winter… when it’s rainy…) I’ve started another one of those photo challenges. These things really are a lot of fun and force me to think more creatively! However, due to my natural disregard for rules, I’m doing it in whatever order I darn well please. Hence starting with #16. Celebration was pretty fitting since it is Christmas Day! 🙂
I’ve been super excited for Christmas this year. I bounced around the office like an idiot for a solid week.. I think it’s because it’s my parents’ first year living up here and our first Christmas in a long time where we live in the same area. I made myself stay in bed until 5:30 and then we woke up and drank coffee and went around the room opening presents to eke out the fun longer. Jason made apple french toast and then I went for a run! Pretty awesomely relaxing day! Merry Christmas, everyone! 🙂