San Diego is one of the most frequent places I go for work.  I’ve photographed it multiple times, but until recently hadn’t visited the little Italy or Gas lamp district of the downtown area.  We didn’t wander around as much as we usually end up doing, but I still managed to take my camera out and get some shots!

Flower by the hotel
Sunset down the street
Well said
Bicycle at night
Beer, wine,  ice cream, and ping pong. Sounds like a typical work night!
Fire pit at the hotel
I want one!
Shadows at the mall
I love fire escapes
Old brick building
oooooh! cool!
I liked the lighting on this building.
Train coming down the tracks
Fishing boats
Guys on bikes
Art deco
It’s not a motorcycle.
Crab pots
Along the pier
Boats at anchor
At the dinghy dock
Palm trees and bright colors


More interesting architecture
Not sure what’s going on at this bar…
Shots! and a red door.
Gas Lamp District
Huge art installation
We got meringues filled with ice cream!


