I recently returned from a work trip down to San Diego where we chose to stay in a new hotel located near downtown in the little Italy district.  Obviously the food was amazing, but my favorite part was this random car show we stumbled across on our way back from dinner one night.  The entire street was closed down and filled with Italian supercars.

I thought the off duty officer was funny

The Italians in this area seem passionate about holding on to their culture and heritage. There are quite a few Italian restaurants, stores selling freshly made pasta, and people actually speaking italian.  It’s not a surprise that that enthusiasm has spilled over into their cars as well.

As for the photos themselves… the car show was a complete surprise and it’s only by coincidence that I had my camera with me at all.  The lens I had on was an old Minolta 50mm film lens that is manual focus only.  I think I had the ISO of the camera up to 4000.  I’m lucky I got any pictures at all! 🙂

