The plan for the rest of the day in sunny Vancouver was to wander around downtown and do some real street photography with buildings, portraits, and urban scenery.  Our first stop was a little coffee shop for a “snack”, which was breakfast and a latte for pretty much everyone! However while we were walking there we realized that they were filming a car commercial on the street!  I didn’t know this, but Vancouver is known as “Hollywood North” with tons of movies, tv shows, and commercials filmed here! I had hoped that the commercial would be for a cool new sports car, but it was some Hyndai SUV, so I didn’t really care.  The camera car on the other hand? Freaking awesome! BMW X5 with a badass motorized gimbal on the roof that spun around to get video of the car at different angles.  It even had an exo-cage!

the actual car in the commercial…
A better shot of it.

After we all finished our lattes we moved on down the street, taking photos as we went. Every now and again, Bryan would stop and have us all look at an object or a scene and tell us how he would do it or what to look for, etc.  A very informational day, indeed!

Rows of buildings
Shorty! Made me giggle.
Shoved my camera under a fern
Random sculpture in the middle of the street that I got while walking through the crosswalk
yellow and green
Olympic torch
two by two
Sliver of sky
Rooftop garden
Torch from below. Tried to get a unique perspective
Framing the old with the new
4 yellow taxis

For the next series of photos, we were outside shooting the reflections in the window of a large building.  Sometimes people would walk inside or between us and the other side of the street. It was fun to sit there and see who would walk by and what you could do with it.

The Bodyguard
Bicycle with yellow boxes
Inside the convention center
Generic tourist shot
Wide angle with the camera sitting on the floor
reflection of a building in a building.
Interesting details
Wish I could have backed up more.
Shoved the camera under some daisies again.

Overall, Vancouver really reminds me of Seattle.  It’s very obviously a large city, but there’s something quirky and interesting about it.  I love all of the rooftop gardens and the sometimes very intricate details in the architecture of the buildings.