A few days ago I was sitting at my computer looking outside and realized that the sky looked odd.  I wasn’t really able to describe what was wrong but it felt like I was in some sort of zombie movie and something bad was about to happen.  (luckily, I was wrong about the zombies…aside from coworkers in the morning)  As I left my office the next day the sun was out, but completely diffused by a thick layer that almost resembled a light fog.  A quick google search cleared it up for me.  Washington is currently experiencing a massive influx of smoke from a series of badass Canadian wildfires.

That’s alllll smoke!

That explains all the allergies I suppose… Aside from the lack of ability to breathe easily, the smoke made for some really colorful sunsets that we don’t usually get up here! Enjoy!

Orange reflections on the water
Because I have a manual focus only lens and no attention span
Boats out playing in Sinclair Inlet
Olympic Mountains in the distance
Girls walking on the pier
Just hanging out
Oddball out of focus flower photo.