Jason and I had made plans to go out backpacking on the bicycles this weekend (henceforth known as “bikepacking”) however for some reason I was super annoyed with all the other humans on the planet this weekend and just wanted to get away from them.  We ended up taking the boat out for an overnight stay up by Silverdale.  At first glance it was an odd choice. For those of you not from the area, Silverdale is the main retail center in the area and really doesn’t have a lot else going on, but it IS accessible by the water and has a lovely shallow bay to anchor out in.  Due to our standard lack of planning we also headed up North during the annual “whaling days” celebration.  Luckily it was sunday and we missed all the real craziness, but there were still vendor booths set up, people everywhere, and carnies. I had some things to pick up from the craft store so we walked up the street and got our errands done in addition to getting a package of brats to grill up for dinner.  This really was a multipurpose adventure!

Now on to the photo challenge.  For some reason I’m just not feeling the whole photography thing right now.  I guess I’m just busy right now, but still… This week’s challenge is “silhouette” and I promise I really did have a few cool ideas for it, but like most of my plans lately it just didn’t pan out.  We did luck into a fairly fantastic purple sunset so I’m counting it because the land was a silhouette and I think they’re pretty photos anyway. 😉

The moon up high
Reflection and symmetry
Calm water
The dinghy hanging out behind the boat.

All said and done it was a totally relaxing quiet weekend getaway that I totally needed!