I admit to never really giving hummingbirds a lot of thought.  They were always around the house growing up and they’re at my current house as well.  They drink sugar from bright red feeders and dart around super fast.  It’s only recently that my friend Rashell pointed out that they live in the trees (in this instance the one next to her apartment) and they fight nonstop and actually chatter constantly.  Now that I know what it sounds like I realize that the tiny birds do, in fact, make a ton of noise and never shut up.  😉

I also recently purchased the Sony 70-200 F/4 lens and tried it out in my free time this morning when the light is actually shining on the back of the house where the feeders are located.  My camera lets me use my phone as a live view remote shutter, so I was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee waiting for my birds.  It was a pretty slick setup. I even got a few shots but it’s something I need to practice!