I’m going to start this post out with a story.  I like to take photos of things that normal humans just never notice… So I’m walking around Yokosuka by myself on a little photo safari and see this amazing stretch of totally bare wall with a pipe on the outside of it.  Nothing of interest really, but the pipe and chipping paint created this totally perfect “rule of thirds” and the colors were great and I just totally dug it.  So I crouch down and take my photo, intently studying the wall and totally pleased with my find.  This little old lady was walking towards me at the time and sees me taking this picture and just looks at the wall.. stares for a bit, looks confused, looks at me grinning like an idiot, looks back at the wall, and then just appears to conclude that Americans are retarded and keeps walking.  I laughed to myself the entire way back to the hotel.

Isn't it amazing?
Isn’t it amazing?
Wall to what I always think is the nastiest looking strip club ever.
Wall to what I always think is the nastiest looking strip club ever.
Circles from a wine glass
Circles from a wine glass
Colors and lines
Colors and lines
converging crosswalks
converging crosswalks
Light through windows
Light through windows
