As cool as Watmough Bay was, we were getting a lot of rocking from wind and waves.  Since the boat is fully stocked with food we have no need to stop at the store for anything for a few days.  Our decision now was to pull the anchor and head over to the island of Sucia which has a great bay to anchor the boat and a ton of relaxing hiking.  We try to go to Sucia on every trip we take to the islands because it’s such a nice place.

We originally chose to take this week off of work to travel because it’s early enough in the year to not be super busy.  We were wrong.  This is the first nice weekend after the shittiest winter we’ve had in a long time.  I think every person living north of Seattle was tied up in Sucia.  The Anacortes Yacht Club was having a gathering here and were tied up 3 deep on every dock. Every mooring ball in the bay was taken and the space in between had every manner of boat anchored in it.  Holy crap…

Big boats on the way in.
The beach is sandstone with pebbles. Interesting texture.
Collection of dinghies on the beach. There were more at the actual dock.
It’s hard to really show how many boats are here… but here’s a preview.
I even found a few little agates on the beach!

Jason and I went ashore to check out the island and ended up doing a little hike from Fossil Bay (where we’re anchored) to Echo Bay (next door) to see if it would be less crowded.  Turns out it wasn’t, but along the way we saw a big owl! Which was cool because you never see them in the wild really.

We spent most of our day today getting from Watmough Bay to Sucia, so I don’t really have a whole lot of pictures since there wasn’t really a whole lot going on. Most of my day was spent relaxing on the boat and harassing the cats.  The cats have mixed reactions to the boat so far.  Dart is naturally lazy and has just taken to laying wherever and sleeping, which is what he does at home.  Duster is scared of literally everything, including the wind on his fur.  Maybe by the end of the trip they will be boat cats. Or not.