So my first night on the boat was a little rough, both literally and figuratively.  The boat rocks a little more than we thought it would leading to every wooden door and cabinet rattling around obnoxiously.  I was also probably overly paranoid and just laid there listening to every noise the boat made all night long.  I woke up having gotten 1 hour and 9 minutes of sleep according to my Fitbit. Great. Luckily there was coffee available to fix the shitty mood I was in.

In addition to being ridiculously picturesque, Watmough Bay is also at the base of one of the larger mountains In the islands.  There is apparently a hike all the way to the top and that was our task for the day. We took the parents with us otherwise they would literally be trapped on the boat and somehow managed to talk them into going on the hike to the summit with us.  Fun fact: this is not an easy hike as we found out halfway through.  The second half of the hike was spent scrambling alongside cliff faces while clinging precariously to tree roots and rocks.  I’m sure this is exactly what my mother pictures herself doing on this fine Saturday morning.  Fortunately for everyone, the reward was actually worth the effort and offered up views of the other islands, open water, and our boat down below in the bay.

Not too bad of a view
There’s the bay!
Playing with colors to make it look like a moon rise because that sort of thing amuses me.
Nothing shows love more than defacing a tree
An animal cave!
A little marsh area at the beginning of the trail
Through the trees
Filtered sun
Heart shaped rock
Jason illustrating one of the climbing techniques
The bay and the marsh
Watmough Bay
My fantastically adventurous parents!
Me and Jason
View from the top
So fun!
Jason being a dignified responsible adult
Show off…
Dad even got on the swing!
He finally figured it out
I want one! If only my yard had trees…
What a view!
Sun star
Big sky out here
There’s Salacia. She looks little all the way down there.
Macro flower

Jason looking out to the horizon
Summit marker
It’s not a geocache, but it’ll do!
Windswept trees
I love the red and orange bark on the madrona trees
Jason helping mom down one of the steep parts
He’s so nice.
It really was a pretty hike.
Some sort of wild rose

Mom liked these, so I took a lot of photos of them.
There’s Salacia in all of her blinding white glory.

Another totally random thing that happened on this trip so far is that last night while Jason couldn’t sleep he went outside to check the boat and realized that the water was bioluminescent.  We’ve experienced this one other time while coming back from a late night fishing run and the entire wake of the boat was lit up bright blue.  Since we’re in a slow boat at anchor in our pajamas we just grabbed the boat hook and stirred the water around.  It really is just a faint blue glow in the water with occasional sparkles. Super duper freaking neat. It was hard to get a picture of since it was pitch black outside and the camera couldn’t focus on anything, but here’s my best attempt!

No idea what causes this… I could have watched it for hours but I was tired.