Probably the coolest place we visited so far was the La Paz Waterfall Gardens Nature Park.  Part of the park is an animal sanctuary with many different varieties of local animals, bugs, and plants. The most unique parts of this particular zoo were the butterfly and hummingbird rooms. They were huge! In the first, there are butterflies everywhere just flying around normally. In the second, hummingbirds just constantly buzz by your head and drink from the many feeders and perch in the trees. I’ve never been around that many hummingbirds at once! ..and they’re still just as hard to take pictures of!

View from the top
Cool leaf
One of many paths
Owl sleeping
Sloths look like furry basketballs
scarlet macaws
Darn tourists

Stupid hummingbirds… always hiding
Hope that guy in the back got a few shots of them, cause I sure didn’t!

Pretty sure that one’s poisonous!

Wouldn’t want to meet that one in the forest

Tiny poison frog! They get their poison from eating ants, but there are no ants here, so they’re safe!

My best shot of the day for sure!
I’m really not a bird person…