One small stop on our whirlwind double decker bus tour of San Jose, Costa Rica was to the “National Monument” in a park in the middle of the city.  The monument (a statue, actually) depicts the central american countries (shown as women) driving out the conqueror William Walker.  The victory over Walker is considered a point of national pride and is celebrated as a national holiday on April 11.

My shirt says “jet lagged” and it is accurate
Another one with me and Jason!
The world’s happiest trash can.
Guy selling ice cream. I wondered where the bell noises were coming from and now I know!

After spending a few minutes checking out the sculpture and the park, we headed a few blocks down the street to the indoor market.  It’s a square a super hard to get lost apparently, but I was leading the way and promptly got us completely lost. I’m still not sure how something that’s a square can have so many corner exits… but we finally found it.

Inside the market. I manged to not actually buy anything here…
mmmm fish!
Are those cashews?
The exit!!!
A double crown fork on a hardtail. Odd combo.
Cat art.