Jason left last night to spend the weekend hunting, so I had the house to myself all day today.  I cleaned the house, lifted weights, went for a run, made a pizza, shopped for christmas presents, and even finished the floor of my truck! Pretty stellar day!  I have noticed that when people find out you’re spending thanksgiving alone they tend to freak out about it.  My neighbor tried to get me to come over to their place like 5 times.  It was really super sweet, but I’m more than enjoying my alone time! I really don’t like traditional thanksgiving food anyway and I’ve been planning my pizza for a week now. (Used cauliflower for the crust. Really tasty and saves a lot of calories).  I suppose I’m just around people all day long every day. Having a day completely alone is like a little treat. 🙂

This about sums it up...
This about sums it up…


Either way… I did manage to try to get caught up on the photo challenge.  I have no idea what day it’s really on… but.. I got some more photos. I knew going into it that I wanted to actually try for decent photos, not just a random snapshot of whatever.  The internet is chock full of crappy photos already… I’m trying to not add to that. 😉

Day 16 – Back to school.  Well, I’ve been out of school for a while now.  I have realized though that building my truck requires learning an entirely different set of skills.  I can visualize what I want things to look like and understand how to build them, but I’ve never actually had to make it happen before.  It’s been fun, but it’s been hard.  I didn’t expect it to be easy, and I’ve learned so much already.  I can’t wait to drive this thing!

Ground clamp for my plasma cutter
Ground clamp for my plasma cutter
Bonus pic. Probably the most artistic rendering of a gas cylinder regulator ever.
Bonus pic. Probably the most artistic rendering of a gas cylinder regulator ever.


Day 17 – Makes you smile.  Since I did, in fact, have the day to myself, I dug the Christmas tree out of the hall closet and put that sucker up! We’ll be gone over Christmas, so I want to enjoy it as long as possible! I love Christmas! Anyway, here’s snowboarding Santa! (Thanks REI!)

Little guy just looks so happy!
Little guy just looks so happy!
Bonus pic. I liked this one too.
Bonus pic. I liked this one too.


Day 18 – Landscape.  Too bad I wasn’t on one of our famous Ashley&Jason Road Trips! This is the view of the field behind my house.  It was foggy this morning.  The lighting was utterly spectacular coming through the fog on my morning run, but I didn’t have my camera with me. Dangit.

Typical Washington landscape
Typical Washington landscape