My belated photo challenge for “this week” (honestly I’ve stopped keeping track…) is Wisdom.  It’s usually wise to not procrastinate, but it keeps working out for me, so I’m going to keep doing it.  Either way, I’ve been doing photography for a while now and I think I know a fair bit about it. (ask me about the rule of thirds sometime if you’re really bored and wish to be lulled to sleep by a nerdy monotone voice).  However, one thing that I’m not good at is portraits.  People in general aren’t my thing and I don’t have a lot of practice shooting them.  So I’ve been trying to make it a point to torture my friends and force them to pose for me.

My victims this time were Jessica and her visiting sister Kristen!  They both have sassy new haircuts AND new colors.  Location was Jessica’s bedroom window because it was easy and available and the weather outside was rainy, dark, cold, and sad. 🙂

Pretty sisters! Now both gingers!
We tried a pose I found on Pinterest but I didn’t quite nail the focus on it. Damn.
Kristen smiling! IMHO this looks like a senior portrait… but it works!
Slightly moodier Kristen.  This is my favorite of the bunch I think. Her eyes are killer.
Closeup!  I tried a thing. I like it.
Tomei (also a ginger) looking longingly out the window for some reason.