It’s been way too long since I’ve been out with the girls to just wander around and take photographs.  We ended up in Port Townsend and had a pretty darn good time.  They also have one of my favorite coffee shops, so overall it was a successful day!

I had planned on walking around town with one lens, and then swapping lenses and doing another lap to compare how the two shoot, but we essentially ran out of time.  I shot all of these photos with my new (to me!) Sony 16-35mm wide angle.

For all my photography friends, here is a pretty good article about how to effectively use a wide angle lens.  Click here for info!

Just a warning that this is going to be a technical article.  I’m going to try and critique my own photos.  Feel free to just scroll through and look at the photos if you want.


Inside the olive oil store. I got an interesting foreground but that's about it.
Inside the olive oil store. I got an interesting foreground but that’s about it.
Nerd books. I want them all.
Nerd books. I want them all.
Rashell in the book store. I needed to get lower while taking this so she would be higher in the photo and there would be less ceiling showing.
Rashell in the book store. I needed to get lower while taking this so she would be higher in the photo and there would be less ceiling showing.
Wide angle makes it look like you're surrounded by books.
Wide angle makes it look like you’re surrounded by books.
I have almost this same chair at work.
I have almost this same chair at work.
Jessica in front of an almost blank wall. I like the composition of this one.
Jessica in front of an almost blank wall. I like the composition of this one.
I this is is a fantastic background. Unfortunately there is no point of interest. This needs someone leaning on the wall or walking past.
I this is is a fantastic background. Unfortunately there is no point of interest. This needs someone leaning on the wall or walking past.
A different angle on the same building, but still not very interesting.
A different angle on the same building, but still not very interesting.
No real reason except I wanted those chairs.
No real reason except I wanted those chairs.
A different take on the mural and historical buildings in port townsend. The camera was almost against the wall to get this shot.
A different take on the mural and historical buildings in port townsend. The camera was almost against the wall to get this shot.
Bicycles. Like the contrast of old and new.  I don't like how I had to crop the bikes so much to get a usable shot. This is one I should have taken 3-4 more times until I got what it was I really wanted.
Bicycles. Like the contrast of old and new. I don’t like how I had to crop the bikes so much to get a usable shot. This is one I should have taken 3-4 more times until I got what it was I really wanted.
That's a Ferrari. I like the lines created by the crosswalk, but the lighting in the color shot was terrible.
That’s a Ferrari. I like the lines created by the crosswalk, but the lighting in the color shot was terrible.
The wide angle lens actually focuses pretty close, so it's useful for shots of "things".
The wide angle lens actually focuses pretty close, so it’s useful for shots of “things”.
Mostly just "what the hell is going on here?"
Mostly just “what the hell is going on here?”
I shot this bottle cap through the slats in a park bench for some reason. I ended up cropping a ton but I like the lines and final layout.
I shot this bottle cap through the slats in a park bench for some reason. I ended up cropping a ton but I like the lines and final layout.
The camera is shoved literally inside a plant. Gives a sense of scale and being immersed in the subject. Always get closer!
The camera is shoved literally inside a plant. Gives a sense of scale and being immersed in the subject. Always get closer!
Many wide angle shots suffer from a huge amount of landscape being shown, but no real "purpose" for it.  A strong foreground helps that.
Many wide angle shots suffer from a huge amount of landscape being shown, but no real “purpose” for it. A strong foreground helps that.
"Something from nothing". Just trying to show that you can make anything moderately attractive if the composition is correct.
“Something from nothing”. Just trying to show that you can make anything moderately attractive if the composition is correct.
This is less interesting than the first shot of the plants, isn't it?  This was shot further back.
This is less interesting than the first shot of the plants, isn’t it? This was shot further back.
I got laughed at for shooting a dumpster. But it breaks down to lines, color, and texture.
I got laughed at for shooting a dumpster. But it breaks down to lines, color, and texture.
Yeah Trees! this was just funny...
Yeah Trees! this was just funny…
With my lens zoomed in to 35mm I can still get pretty good shots of cars and street scenes.
With my lens zoomed in to 35mm I can still get pretty good shots of cars and street scenes.
Texture in a log. (also some bits of sea glass)
Texture in a log. (also some bits of sea glass)
This shot would be about 1000% less interesting if the boats weren't there.  The boats add interest and add to the story.
This shot would be about 1000% less interesting if the boats weren’t there. The boats add interest and add to the story.
I liked the yellow lettering with the yellow accents on the building.
I liked the yellow lettering with the yellow accents on the building.
Another angle since I couldn't decide which I liked more.
Another angle since I couldn’t decide which I liked more.

