Given my well known fascination with graffiti it comes as a surprise to literally zero people that I also enjoy abandoned buildings and broken things in general.  So thanks to the magic of Pinterest, once I saw pictures of this random airplane wreck sitting on a beach in Iceland it made it’s way pretty quickly to the top of my “holy crap I have to see this!” list.

It’s one of Iceland’s most iconic & haunting photography locations. On Saturday Nov 24, 1973 a United States Navy Douglas Super DC-3 airplane was forced to land on Sólheimasandur’s black sand beach in the south of Iceland after experiencing some severe icing.

It was pretty much as cool as I imagined it would be! However, I suppose I also expected it to be a little more secluded. It’s practically on the tourist map at this point. The unofficial parking area was full of rental cars and rental Land Rovers.  It was hard to get a shot of the plane without other people in it. I did see a blog post later where people camp out by the plane and get some awesome shots that way.  I may have to try that if we ever go back in summer!

There she is!
There she is!
Black sand beach
Black sand beach
Moody clouds
Moody clouds


Piping to the removed engine
Piping to the removed engine
Wiring birds nest
Wiring birds nest
Nose cone totally gone
Nose cone totally gone
Rose on the wing
Rose on the wing
Pointed towards the mountains
Pointed towards the mountains


Heart shaped hole
Heart shaped hole
"super jeep" in the background
“super jeep” in the background
The floor's gone, so it's a little sketch...
The floor’s gone, so it’s a little sketch…
Pretty sure smoking in here isn't going to hurt anything but your lungs.
Pretty sure smoking in here isn’t going to hurt anything but your lungs.
I love the sand here...
I love the sand here…
Why do Land Rovers look so freaking cool?
Why do Land Rovers look so freaking cool?
There was something glued here
There was something glued here
Wing structure
Wing structure
Land Rovers through the window
Land Rovers through the window
Wing art
Wing art


Pretty brutal environment. I wonder how much longer it will be here?
Pretty brutal environment. I wonder how much longer it will be here?
Through the cargo bay
Through the cargo bay
Slowly filling with sand
Slowly filling with sand
Wind and water and mountains
Wind and water and mountains