It’s Christmas!!!!! YAY! After my morning pot of coffee, I distributed the presents to everyone and we dug in.  It was a great morning.  We relaxed and watched the sunrise for a few hours before heading to the beach to meet some friends for a picnic lunch.

Oh yeah! That's a ham!
Oh yeah! That’s a ham!
Christmas napkins.  We had the real Christmas china and everything...
Christmas napkins. We had the real Christmas china and everything…
Palm frond.
Palm frond.
Beautiful C7 Vette that drove by. Wish I would have seen it sooner!
Beautiful C7 Vette that drove by. Wish I would have seen it sooner! …and unfortunately I didn’t get it for Christmas… Maybe next year?
Slower than the vette, but still festive. I think those are reindeer antlers.
Slower than the vette, but still festive. I think those are reindeer antlers.
I was playing with panning shots of the moving vehicles
I was playing with panning shots of the moving vehicles
Blurry shot of a runner.
Blurry shot of a runner.
Structure and staples
Structure and staples
Shell on a table
Shell on a table
My parents' friends have a vette! ...and this is the only photo I got of it... I need to take more car pics!
My parents’ friends have a vette! …and this is the only photo I got of it… I need to take more car pics!