Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I spent today cleaning my house, drinking coffee, catching up on photos, and reveling in not being at work!

I was finally near a window for sunrise and enjoying a lovely mug of coffee.
I was finally near a window for sunrise and enjoying a lovely mug of coffee.
Started my day with yet more coffee and a chocolate pumpkin muffin that my mom made and dropped off last night.  The magazine is just for the photo, but the hull color is nice.
Started my day with yet more coffee and a chocolate pumpkin muffin that my mom made and dropped off last night. The magazine is just for the photo, but the hull color is nice.
The moon setting in the trees.
The moon setting in the trees.

I generally enjoy my breakfast while basking in the warm comforting glow of my computer screen.  Today I was editing photos that I took while we got new bottom paint put on the boat that we’re buying! Exciting stuff!

Big ole girl!
Big ole girl!
Looks like a little bitty thing when it's out of the water though...
Looks like a little bitty thing when it’s out of the water though…
A rainy gray day in Puget Sound.
A rainy gray day in Puget Sound.
Interior beauty shot. Will be nice to fit more than 2 people in the boat at a time!
Interior beauty shot. Will be nice to fit more than 2 people in the boat at a time!
Yes, that's granite in the galley! :)
Yes, that’s granite in the galley! 🙂

I finished up my photos and some chores just before my parents arrived for the thanksgiving festivities. For lunch, instead of having something fancy that you have to cook, my dad and I pooled our resources and made a meat and cheese tray. Simple but tasty!

Yum yum!
Yum yum!
I think 99% of the reason all the food photos look good on Pinterest is that those people are actually at home during the day when there's natural light...
I think 99% of the reason all the food photos look good on Pinterest is that those people are actually at home during the day when there’s natural light…

We generally don’t make a big deal about thanksgiving, so I spent the day taking photos of my cats, and cleaning the house out.  I got a whole car load of stuff to take to Goodwill and finally got all of the fishing poles organized in the storage shed. Success!

Duster has resting bitch face. The poor dear.
Duster has resting bitch face. The poor dear.
...and then he gives us the "model wink". what a little ham!
…and then he gives us the “model wink”. what a little ham!
Since Dart is black, it's actually very hard for the cameras to focus on him. So between that and him not ever wanting to look at me with my camera, I never get any good pictures of the little guy.
Since Dart is black, it’s actually very hard for the cameras to focus on him. So between that and him not ever wanting to look at me with my camera, I never get any good pictures of the little guy.
Staring intently at something. (I think Jason had a stick)
Staring intently at something. (I think Jason had a stick)
Such a regal cat when he wants to be...
Such a regal cat when he wants to be…
Hiding in the window...
Hiding in the window…

It’s time for the feast! We’re not really much on tradition over here.  Last year we had little smokies and velveeta shells and cheese… this year we’re having open face meatloaf sandwiches with gravy!

*I* made a loaf of bread!
*I* made a loaf of bread!
Pans of meatloaf
Pans of meatloaf
Gravy and leftover green beans.
Gravy and leftover green beans.
The final plating. LETS EAT!
The final plating. LETS EAT!

One Thanksgiving tradition that we DO follow, is that after dinner and before we get dessert, the Christmas tree goes up!!!! 🙂

Yes, I usually do use a cat as a tree skirt...
Yes, I usually do use a cat as a tree skirt…
The "tree skirt" is actually a large red Ferrari beach towel... and the cat is attacking it.
The “tree skirt” is actually a large red Ferrari beach towel… and the cat is attacking it.
So many shiny things to murder...
So many shiny things to murder…
No longer amused...
No longer amused…
Bah Humbug!
Bah Humbug!
They will be hiding here until we take the tree down sometime in March...
They will be hiding here until we take the tree down sometime in March…