To start off the Superbowl Sunday festivities a big group of us met at the park in Bremerton by the ferry terminal to take an inspirational photo for a friend’s mom who will hopefully be kicking the everloving shit out of some cancer here shortly.  (you go girl!) Of course I didn’t get any photos of my goofy friends, but here are a few of the statue representing the shipyard.

Passing the ship to the next generation. How symbolic.
Passing the ship to the next generation. How symbolic.


The Manette bridge
The Manette bridge
Laura and her Nikon
Laura and her Nikon
An old wooden ferry that they're converting into a convention center of some kind. Guess they still need to name her. ;)
An old wooden ferry that they’re converting into a convention center of some kind. Guess they still need to name her. 😉
The tiny tug for the aforementioned unnamed ferry
The tiny tug for the aforementioned unnamed ferry


After this we made our way over to Jessica’s for a superbowl party.  There was really only one guy at the gathering who really wanted his team to win. (Denver… poor dude). The rest of us were just there for food. Sometimes it pays to be friends with a bunch of people who cook as a hobby. 🙂

Chocolate covered strawberries. These were an appetizer.  I was too busy stuffing my face to get pictures of anything else.
Chocolate covered strawberries. These were an appetizer. I was too busy stuffing my face to get pictures of anything else.


This is Charlie.  He's blonde and beautiful and scared of everything that moves. Good dog!
This is Charlie. He’s blonde and beautiful and scared of everything that moves. Good dog!


So yeah. Not much in the way of photographic shenanigans, but there ya go. Life’s been busy. Been thinking about starting another one of those photo challenges since the last one was more fun than I thought it’d be.