This was less of a vacation and more of a 5 day work trip to Sasebo, Japan.  We had one day off due to extensive jet lag, but worked 10 hour days the rest of the trip.  Still found time to wander around town and essentially feast my way through my first experience in Japan! What a wonderful place!  The people there are so wonderfully patient, helpful, and kind.  I never found the language barrier to be a problem.  Sasebo is a smaller city, so we spoke no japanese and they generally only spoke a few words of english. Occasionally we’d just have a big laugh about the whole ordeal and wander off in opposite directions.  The weather really reminded me of florida… it was 90 degrees and humid as hell the entire time we were there which is very different from the 60’s and dry we were having in Washington when I left.  My 2 trusty coworkers and I stayed in a hotel a few blocks from where we were working and hit the town after work to find excellent food and just generally people-watch… or at least that was what *I* was doing.   The hotel had an espresso machine instead of instant or vile drip coffee… Had a competition with Stan every morning as to who could drink the most shots. I always won. Duh. The plane ride over was awful.  There was a medical emergency leading to an extra 2 hours sitting on the runway which resulted in us missing our connecting flight etc etc and so on. Long ass day. Even though technically it was 2 days. Sigh. The flight back made up for it by being an hour shorter than they predicted. I’ll take it! Really not a lot of jet-lag on the return home, just confusion as to what day it actually was and why people understood what I was saying. I did try to pay for a latte in Tacoma in Yen. They were greatly confused by this. Overall a highly entertaining trip.  Can’t wait to go back!

The Ginza (spelling?) open air shopping mall.
The Ginza (spelling?) open air shopping mall.
Random graffiti or an ad for something.  I never figured it out.
Random graffiti or an ad for something. I never figured it out.
Another random poster
Another random poster
Took the train to Daito to go to the hardware store with Stan. It's the tourist hot-spot.
Took the train to Daito to go to the hardware store with Stan. It’s the tourist hot-spot.
We bought our tickets wrong but got off easy with a mildly confused scolding.
We bought our tickets wrong but got off easy with a mildly confused scolding.
Vending machines everywhere.  Once I learned what a Yen was and how to count them out, I was considerably less thirsty.
Vending machines everywhere. Once I learned what a Yen was and how to count them out, I was considerably less thirsty.
No we didn't eat there. McSushi anyone? :p
No we didn’t eat there. McSushi anyone? :p
Cute little hatchback cars everywhere.  I liked this one a lot for some reason.
Cute little hatchback cars everywhere. I liked this one a lot for some reason.
Silly 'Murican, that's not how you soup!
Silly ‘Murican, that’s not how you soup!
Vertical bricks. Never thought to stack them like that.
Vertical bricks. Never thought to stack them like that.
"No Parking" maybe?
“No Parking” maybe?
Post office box.
Post office box.
Work. Boring and no one cares.
Work. Boring and no one cares.
Looky a whale!
Looky a whale!
I think this was a train station. Sandra thought it was a space ship.
I think this was a train station. Sandra thought it was a space ship.
Sasebo is famous for it's "99 islands". Unfortunately this photo is upside down. so 33 islands are missing.
Sasebo is famous for it’s “99 islands”. Unfortunately this photo is upside down. so 33 islands are missing.
Pretty church, but fairly out of place.
Pretty church, but fairly out of place.
We went to Baskin Robbins one night. I had "cream soda" flavor. Which is think was cotton candy slurpee with pop rocks. Still not sure.
We went to Baskin Robbins one night. I had “cream soda” flavor. Which is think was cotton candy slurpee with pop rocks. Still not sure.
Even the ice cream is CUTE here!
Even the ice cream is CUTE here!
Sasebo museum of art or somesuch. We didn't have time to visit this time.
Sasebo museum of art or somesuch. We didn’t have time to visit.
The area is apparently well known for its pottery.
The area is apparently well known for its pottery.
Beautiful folded steel knives.  I bought one for Jason as a bribe for not killing my cats while I was gone. The cats survived just fine.
Beautiful folded steel knives. I bought one for Jason as a bribe for not killing my cats while I was gone. The cats survived just fine.
Part of the mall again. Lots of shenanigans to be had. and a few "hundred yen stores" like the dollar store only more entertaining.
Part of the mall again. Lots of shenanigans to be had. and a few “hundred yen stores” like the dollar store only more entertaining.
Sushi go round! =feast
Sushi go round! =feast
Salmon! They have the same fish over there as we have in the northwest. Kinda odd but tasty.
Salmon! They have the same fish over there as we have in the northwest. Kinda odd but tasty.
These weren't mine. Pretty though.
These weren’t mine. Pretty though.
Stop lights were sideways.
Stop lights were sideways.
No idea why, but I like this photo.
No idea why, but I like this photo.
In the arcade!
In the arcade!
Wall of prizes!
Wall of prizes!
The Yakitori place. I know that's not spelled right. Meat on a stick. Tasty as hell.
The Yakitori place. I know that’s not spelled right. Meat on a stick. Tasty as hell.
Scooters and tiny motorcycles everywhere. I wanted every single one...and exclaimed as such every time I saw one go by. Drove Sandra nuts I think.
Scooters and tiny motorcycles everywhere. I wanted every single one…and exclaimed as such every time I saw one go by. Drove Sandra nuts I think.
The mall again
The mall again
artsy fartsy in the mall.
artsy fartsy in the mall.
The cute little old man who sold the knives actually actively uses this abacus to figure out totals. It was amazing.
The cute little old man who sold the knives actually actively uses this abacus to figure out totals. It was amazing.
Lost in translation. Sandra and I were literally crying in the middle of the mall over this. Fawns lurk, everyone knows this. ;)
Lost in translation. Sandra and I were literally crying in the middle of the mall over this. Fawns lurk, everyone knows this. 😉