Our friends who moved away a few years ago were back visiting family in the San Juan islands, so Jason and I though it’d be cool to take the boat up there to hang out for a day or 2 and see them.  We’ve only had our little boat up to the San Juans once, but this time we were planning on spending the night in Roche Harbor. She’s not a particularly luxurious vessel…

Were making good time until we saw a pod of Orca.  Had to stop and get pictures and then try to make sure we were well away from them before going up on plane again.  The hippies are real particular about those whales… 😉


We were staying the night in Roche Harbor.  The only thing in Roche Harbor is the harbor, the historical Haro Hotel, a few luxury condos, and the restaurant. Which is nice, but the lattes were a wee bit overpriced.

Roche Harbor General Store
Roche Harbor General Store
Brick Path
Brick Path
Haro Hotel.  Better bring your Visa.
Haro Hotel. Better bring your Visa.
Church overlooking the marina
Church overlooking the marina
Post office for the liveaboard yachts
Post office for the liveaboard yachts
Neat locks on post boxes
Neat locks on post boxes

We met up with Randy and Lisa and cruised up to Eastsound for the best Gelato we’ve ever had. Turned out they were closed by the time we got there… (dangit!) so we had mexican for dinner instead. (this makes sense, ok?)  We showed them the Rosario Resort.


Rosario Resort Info. Built by Robert Moran over 100 years ago.  He owned a shipyard in Seattle and obviously had a ton of money. Apparently one day he was diagnosed with an illness and they told  him he only had a few years left, so he builds this giant mansion to live out his days but ends up living like 30 more years. Figures. Either way, gorgeous place.

Sunset wasn’t too shabby either.

Sunset on the boat
Sunset on the boat
I want a boat cat! My current ones won't do....
I want a boat cat! My current ones won’t do….
My favorite boat! Nordic Tug in red!
My favorite boat! Nordic Tug in red!
Random Sailboat
Random Sailboat
Colorful houses in Roche Harbor
Colorful houses in Roche Harbor
Fishing trawlers were out in full force
Fishing trawlers were out in full force
Vintage aqua and white boat.
Vintage aqua and white boat.
We saw a sleek black fox!
We saw a sleek black fox!

The weekend wasn’t just all sightseeing and pretending to be rich people in the marina. (we lost our little 22′ fishing boat a few times between the yacts. slept in the v-berth. it was “cozy”. ) We headed out to Zip San Juan to play on the zip lines through the trees! Probably the best zip line I’ve been on so far.  The guys were super cool and we learned a lot about how the lines work. Tons of fun. I got going pretty fast on a few of them.

Zip San Juan!
Zip San Juan!
I love a man in flannel in a harness.
I love a man in flannel in a harness.
Tiny ball of girl tied to a wire.
Tiny ball of girl tied to a wire.
Happy group of friends!
Happy group of friends!

Zip San Juan, because islands aren’t always just for relaxation.

Anyhoo… here are the rest of my random photos. Because it takes me forever to get my photos done and I forget where all we went. 😉

Bees were everywhere!
Bees were everywhere!
Fresh homemade donuts at Roche Harbor
Fresh homemade donuts at Roche Harbor
Flowers in the garden outside the Haro Hotel
Flowers in the garden outside the Haro Hotel
More flowers
More flowers
Randy found a sea urchin!
Randy found a sea urchin!
YOLO! Had to laugh at this.
YOLO! Had to laugh at this.
Man up on the mast of a sailboat.
Man up on the mast of a sailboat.
Pod of Pacific Porpoise. So cute and little.
Pod of Pacific Porpoise. So cute and little.
Prettiest sailboat I've ever seen.
Prettiest sailboat I’ve ever seen.

1 Comment

  1. Meghan September 14, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    This looks like such a cool trip! Also, the cat I grew up with was a boat cat when my parents lived on the house boat.

    Orcas! And not at sea world!