Since Soldier Meadow Road was one of our “destinations” for the trip, it deserved its own post! The road started out pretty mellow.  Just your generic gravel road… and then just slowly disintegrated into a narrow, winding, steep trail with largeish rocks.  I suppose we have a Jeep for a reason, but this turned out to be the worst “road” of the whole trip. (This doesn’t include trail offshoots! More to come on that later…) Unfortunately, I was just sitting in the Jeep holding on tightly and looking at the scenery so I didn’t get many photos of it, especially of the hardest parts.  Needless to say, you will not be able to drive this road in your Prius…but if you have a 4wd, it’s worth it!

Just a normal looking road...
Just a normal looking road…
Just keeps going...
Just keeps going…
Sharp looking gravel...
Sharp looking gravel…
Here we go!!!
Here we go!!!
Picture of the map just in case...
Picture of the map just in case…


We haven't seen another car all day...
We haven’t seen another car all day…
Gotta get my product placement shots in here....
Gotta get my product placement shots in here….
Down the road... Just keep going.
Down the road… Just keep going.
More sagebrush
More sagebrush
10,000 mile anniversary! This is why we can't have nice things...
10,000 mile anniversary! This is why we can’t have nice things…
Mountains in the distance
Mountains in the distance
I really do love the sagebrush
I really do love the sagebrush
Black Rock Desert!
Black Rock Desert!
However polarizing they may be, I really like the headlights on the Jeep.
However polarizing they may be, I really like the headlights on the Jeep.
Wish I had thought to get action shots of the hard part of the road.
Wish I had thought to get action shots of the hard part of the road.
We still haven't seen other humans. It's glorious.
We still haven’t seen other humans. It’s glorious.
Someone's little homestead.
Someone’s little homestead.
Pretty little lake in the middle of the desert
Pretty little lake in the middle of the desert
Surprised there's still water here this late in summer.
Surprised there’s still water here this late in summer.
Road signs! It's like desert graffiti. I made Jason stop so I could look at it.
Road signs! It’s like desert graffiti. I made Jason stop so I could look at it.
Soldier Meadow Road! See, it's got a street sign and is therefore legit.
Soldier Meadow Road! See, it’s got a street sign and is therefore legit.
Oh dear... I wonder how old that is and where they found it?!
Oh dear… I wonder how old that is and where they found it?!

Soldier Meadow Road was quite the experience.  I hope it was everything that Jason wanted it to be. (I personally, would murder someone for a latte and a shower right now…) We were headed roughly south to the town of Gerlach, NV by way of the Black Rock Desert dry lakebed, AKA “The Playa”.  However Jason was telling me about “petrified canyon” that is apparently a nice hike up into a canyon (obviously) that’s full of petrified wood.  Well my rockhound radar was going at full blast, so I located this magnificent place on the map and we headed out towards it to make camp for the night and go for a little adventure…. an adventure that we definitely found! At least for our trusty little Cherokee… We used all the horsepower and ground clearance available. 😉

That's some loose fluffy powdery sand!
That’s some loose fluffy powdery sand!
My favorite shot of the whole trip I think.
My favorite shot of the whole trip I think.
Made it up! It's amazing what a little driving skill will let you do. GO JASON!
Made it up! It’s amazing what a little driving skill will let you do. GO JASON!

So yeah… that was a bit sketchy! Jeep handled it beautifully and the trailer didn’t seem to really impact it in any way, so that was helpful as well.  The trailer has about a foot more ground clearance than the Jeep… it’s pretty ridiculous.  We were worried that the rest of the trail would be more of this powdery mess, but in comparison it was fairly easy and we made it to the top with no issues.



Not a bad view, huh?  However, we unknowingly stumbled upon the most epic campsite I’ve ever been to.  An oasis in the middle of the high desert with trees, springs, a grill, cut wood, and rocks everywhere.  Turns out we didn’t actually make it to petrified canyon as we would find out tomorrow, but we’re coming here from now on!  This place is so special that, it too, gets its own post.  Sometimes I’m grateful for my shitty navigational skills. 😉