It’s been a hectic couple of weeks (ok, months?) at work and life in general.  Jason and I were both really looking forward to taking our annual winter vacation at my parents’ condo down in Florida.  After a lovely red-eye flight sitting in front of a very unhappy (and loud. and smelly.) baby we finally made it! I suppose we’re on day two now, but it’s taken me this long to recover from the flight, take a few random photos, and feel up to putting them on the internet.  😉 So here ya go! More to come later!

Christmas lights and palm trees.  Feels like a different kind of Christmas down here.
Christmas lights and palm trees. Feels like a different kind of Christmas down here.
Lovely lighting on a plant on the patio.
Lovely lighting on a plant on the patio.
I think I got a photo of this sign last year too! It's more faded this year though.
I think I got a photo of this sign last year too! It’s more faded this year though.
Well alrighty then!
Well alrighty then!
More excellent lighting!
More excellent lighting!
On the way to downtown.
On the way to downtown.
Neon clock.
Neon clock.
Mural on a building downtown.
Mural on a building downtown.
The saddest little Charlie Brown Christmas tree I've ever seen.
The saddest little Charlie Brown Christmas tree I’ve ever seen.