So I’m going to let out my inner crazy cat lady and have a post dedicated to my 2 ridiculous cats. Deal with it. I’ll go on an actual interesting adventure this weekend!

Both of them in the same picture!
Both of them in the same picture!
Finally got Dart to look at something and sit still long enough for the camera to be able to focus on him!
Finally got Dart to look at something and sit still long enough for the camera to be able to focus on him!
Such a pretty cat!
Such a pretty cat!

Dart is kind of dumb and doesn’t really do a whole lot besides follow me around the house whining. Duster, on the other hand, usually loves having his picture taken. Seriously, this cat will pose for the shutter noise.  However, right now he’s apparently decided that he’s 150% OVER this whole Christmas thing.  What a little weirdo!

Presents? are you serious?
Presents are stupid and I hate this tree.
Are you serious right now?
Are you serious right now?
No longer amused...
No longer amused…
...aaaaaaaand we're bored now.
…aaaaaaaand we’re bored now.

These were mostly pictures to practice with my new wide angle lens but I never pass up an opportunity to harass the cats!