We managed to work just hard enough to wrangle ourselves a day off on the weekend so we jumped on a train and headed to Tokyo!

The first stop was at a random exit for an aquarium that looked interesting.  Unfortunately we got there before they opened so we just wandered around the park for a bit.

In the train station
In the train station
Pulley for an elevator cable
Pulley for an elevator cable
Textured paths for blind people.
Textured paths for blind people.
Peeling paint
Peeling paint
On our way up!
On our way up!
Me at the park.  This is a selfie taken with a legit DSLR. Go big or go home, people!
Me at the park. This is a selfie taken with a legit DSLR. Go big or go home, people!
At the park
At the park
Lady posing for a photo. Made us laugh.
Lady posing for a photo. Made us laugh.
Book carved into the paint on a bridge.
Book carved into the paint on a bridge.
Don't take candy from strangers....unless you pay them?
Don’t take candy from strangers….unless you pay them?
Somebody loves somebody else
Somebody loves somebody else
I found a kitty!
I found a kitty!
No angry dogs. Only happy dogs are allowed here. ;)
No angry dogs. Only happy dogs are allowed here. 😉
So there's a sugar skull carved into the bridge in Japan. Culture clash!
So there’s a sugar skull carved into the bridge in Japan. Culture clash!
Jessica at the park
Jessica at the park
Throwable floatation ring. Just in case.
Throwable floatation ring. Just in case.
Mosaic outside the bathrooms
Mosaic outside the bathrooms
No one got lei'd...
No one got lei’d…
I was on a black and white kick this time...
I was on a black and white kick this time…
Austin.  It was his first time in Japan, so we had to train him to give the right hand signals....
Austin. It was his first time in Japan, so we had to train him to give the right hand signals….
Curved waterfalls
Curved waterfalls
Again, only darker...
Again, only darker…
Multicolor flowers
Multicolor flowers
Concrete wall. Minimalism.
Concrete wall. Minimalism.
Guy crossing the street.
Guy crossing the street.

So after we gave up on the aquarium opening, we got back on the train and headed into Akihabara, AKA “electric town.” This place is jam-packed with people, arcades, electronics stores, etc… it’s intense.  I narrowly avoided picking up a new camera lens. 😉

graffiti frog
graffiti frog
Playing with motion blur while waiting for people.
Playing with motion blur while waiting for people.
On the move!
On the move!
Double rainbow!
Double rainbow!
Little motorcycle chick
Little motorcycle chick
Under the bridge
Under the bridge
The sun did come out a little that day.
The sun did come out a little that day.
Goodbye Kitty...
Goodbye Kitty…
Dripping and faded paint
Dripping and faded paint
Firemain connections
Firemain connections
Yellow submarine
Yellow submarine
The cutest drainage grating ever.
The cutest drainage grating ever.
Interesting buildings! So many colors!
Interesting buildings! So many colors!
The cutest ice cream "truck" ever.
The cutest ice cream “truck” ever.
Their electrical wiring situation wouldn't pass code over here I don't think...
Their electrical wiring situation wouldn’t pass code over here I don’t think…
Girls dressed up super cute passed out fliers etc on every corner.
Girls dressed up super cute passed out fliers etc on every corner.
The cutest VW van ever.
The cutest VW van ever.
Sick BMW!  Turns out the graphics from the cars on the first Fast and Furious movie were spot on.... They really DO do that over here...
Sick BMW! Turns out the graphics from the cars on the first Fast and Furious movie were spot on…. They really DO do that over here…

After an hour or so we all got bored of Akihabara and decided to move on and go see the Tokyo Skytree Tower (tallest structure in Japan!). Back on the train!

Man at the train station waiting
Man at the train station waiting
This happened to me all the time because I never know how much money to put on my train card or how much I have left.
This happened to me all the time because I never know how much money to put on my train card or how much I have left.
On the escalator
On the escalator
Weirdest building topper ever. Like, can you go up in it? What is it?!
Weirdest building topper ever. Like, can you go up in it? What is it?!
The Skytree! Unfortunately the wait for tickets was like 2 hours.  We plan on going back next time with reservations and pre-purchased tickets...
The Skytree! Unfortunately the wait for tickets was like 2 hours. We plan on going back next time with reservations and pre-purchased tickets…
Interesting structure
Interesting structure
Yeah, this thing is HUGE!
Yeah, this thing is HUGE!
Another shot of it.
Another shot of it.
It dominates the skyline for sure...
It dominates the skyline for sure…
Strangely enough it was Oktoberfest at the Skytree. There were sheep on the roof of the beer hut.
Strangely enough it was Oktoberfest at the Skytree. There were sheep on the roof of the beer hut.
Beer makes people do stupid shit... but it made me laugh.
Beer makes people do stupid shit… but it made me laugh.
Also Colonel Sanders has balls on his apron? Confused.
Also Colonel Sanders has balls on his apron? Confused.

At some point along the way we realized we were hungry.  Well, Burger King has this new “black burger”. LIterally the bun and cheese etc are all black. Sounds gross right? Well, why not try the darn thing! 😉 Bad review.  Good review. (ok, i couldn’t FIND a good review.. but I know I read one a while back…)


We did get pictures of the real one. As usual, it doesn’t look nearly as “good” as the advertisement.  BUT! I LOVED it! The black doesn’t really add any odd flavor IMHO, and the burger itself tastes peppery with a bit of soy sauce.  I wanted to find another one to order, it was that good. If they brought it to the States, I would probably be the token weirdo eating it. 😉

After lunch we hopped back on the train again (see a trend here?) and stopped off at Asakusa to look at the Kaminarimon temple.  Built in 941 (yeah, it’s kinda old…), the temple’s main feature is the giant red lantern at its entrance.  It was also jam packed with tourists. I had to get creative to get shots without 1000 people in them. Life’s little challenges…

The lantern
The lantern
it's not red anymore
it’s not red anymore
from the side...
from the side…
Cool roofline
Cool roofline
Love the old style architecture.
Love the old style architecture.
Shrine inside.
Shrine inside.
Giant sandal
Giant sandal
A smaller temple
A smaller temple
People burning incense
People burning incense
Incense sticks
Incense sticks
Dark moody lantern. No people in it.
Dark moody lantern. No people in it.
another smaller temple
another smaller temple
You can see the Skytree from outside!
You can see the Skytree from outside!


Couldn't decide which I liked better.
Couldn’t decide which I liked better.



Old and new
Old and new
Koi pond
Koi pond
Crossing the street
Crossing the street
Red bicycle. Seems like the most common mode of transport for a lot of people.
Red bicycle. Seems like the most common mode of transport for a lot of people.
Rickshaw! apparently they do tours...
Rickshaw! apparently they do tours…

One thing I found interesting about Tokyo and Japan in general is how you can have giant skyscrapers full of the latest cutting edge technology right next to a 2000 year old temple, a tricked out BMW 3-series passing a guy pulling a rickshaw, and a street full of tourists with a few token women in beautiful kimonos… I’m from the 5th newest state in the US where there was barely any history at all.  Living in Virginia for a few years was fascinating because the Revolutionary war was actually there but in places like Japan it’s a whole different ballgame of history.  I love how they’ve managed to keep their centuries of traditions and somehow integrate them into modern daily life.  Instead of being out of place it’s a beautiful addition to their culture.  I saw an Abraham Lincoln impersonator at the Starbucks in Seattle the other day and it was utterly ridiculous. 😉