I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve updated anything on the site and maybe y’all were wondering what I’ve been up to. I haven’t just been sitting on my ass at home watching tv, I’ve been in JAPAN! Unfortunately having to work, but still. Life is good. 😉  Here are some random shots taken around the city of Yokosuka, usually on our way out for dinner every night.

Reflection on the wall in the hotel lobby
Reflection on the wall in the hotel lobby
Hotel downtown. I have no idea why the lens caught the upside down reflection of the neon sign. It's never done that before.
Hotel downtown. I have no idea why the lens caught the upside down reflection of the neon sign. It’s never done that before.
Tree lit up at night
Tree lit up at night
Random neon sign.
Random neon sign.
This might be the menu.  We went out to dinner at "the brown door" (no one knows what it's really called)
This might be the menu. We went out to dinner at “the brown door” (no one knows what it’s really called)
The man who runs it is fairly old and cantankerous and has earned himself the nickname "Tonkatsu Nazi" (Ref: Seinfeld - Soup Nazi) due to only being open when he damn well pleases. Quite the character but the food is awesome.
The man who runs it is fairly old and cantankerous and has earned himself the nickname “Tonkatsu Nazi” (Ref: Seinfeld – Soup Nazi) due to only being open when he damn well pleases. Quite the character but the food is awesome.
Sauces etc
Sauces etc
mmmmmmmmmm, Tonkatsu!!!! :)
mmmmmmmmmm, Tonkatsu!!!! 🙂
Sign on a door
Sign on a door
Streetlight at night
Streetlight at night
Fake food in a window display. I want to know who makes all of these? They're everywhere and so amazingly realistic!
Fake food in a window display. I want to know who makes all of these? They’re everywhere and so amazingly realistic!
This is the F*ck Yeah Bar.
This is the F*ck Yeah Bar.
I liked the colors on this.
I liked the colors on this.
Flower shop.
Flower shop.
Chalkboard sign.
Chalkboard sign.
Circle of bicycles at the train station
Circle of bicycles at the train station
Beers. Japanese and American.
Beers. Japanese and American.
Mister Donut. This is for you, Lawrence.
Mister Donut. This is for you, Lawrence.
We don't serve loose women here... you have to bring your own. Made me laugh.
We don’t serve loose women here… you have to bring your own. Made me laugh.
Nice Porsche
Nice Porsche
Off limits. I knew there were places like this, but hadn't seen a sign yet.
Off limits. I knew there were places like this, but hadn’t seen a sign yet.
Yoko alley at night
Yoko alley at night
Hide out bar.  I love neon signs. They're so much fun!
Hide out bar. I love neon signs. They’re so much fun!
...and black and white because it was cool. Note again the flipped reflection of the light through the lens. so weird!
…and black and white because it was cool. Note again the flipped reflection of the light through the lens. so weird!
Dobuita street!
Dobuita street!
We think this is their fire main connection manhole cover type dealio. Either way... totally Japan to have a cute little water drop guy marking it.
We think this is their fire main connection manhole cover type dealio. Either way… totally Japan to have a cute little water drop guy marking it.
Is this the Japanese symbol for Wifi?
Is this the Japanese symbol for Wifi?
Unfortunately this sign perfectly summed up the work we were doing this time around...
Unfortunately this sign perfectly summed up the work we were doing this time around…
I'm on a boat!
I’m on a boat!
Cute little cruiser in an alley
Cute little cruiser in an alley
Green tunnel
Green tunnel
Flowering vine growing up a phone pole
Flowering vine growing up a phone pole
...fairly judgemental looking pigeon... I wanted a soda, dammit!
…fairly judgmental looking pigeon… I wanted a soda, dammit!
This is a "custard fish"... kinda like a crunchy waffle shell filled with amazing creamy custard that's for some reason fish shaped. YUM!!!!
This is a “custard fish”… kinda like a crunchy waffle shell filled with amazing creamy custard that’s for some reason fish shaped. YUM!!!!

Unfortunately we were working long days and I didn’t bring my camera with me a lot of the time… so not a whole lot of photos were taken.  I should be going back in a few months and I promise to do better next time! 🙂



  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg November 16, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    Hey Ashley, thanks for the Mr. Donut picture, much appreciated!

    I see that this year’s Dobuita street signs have been put up. They change every year. Looks like the new one features U.S. Navy Admiral Perry. Holding a hamburger?!

    And you made it to the “Tonkatsu Nazi” place! I’ve only been able to get in there twice, but it was really good. It’s funny how he’ll make you wait (even to place your order) till he’s completely done preparing and serving food for the people who are already there. But unlike most places in Japan, he gives you a lot of food.

    The photo of all the bicycles at Chuo train station is right next to Uoyatei sushi-go-round, my favorite sushi place in the entire universe. Did you go there and get the Spicy Salmon Aburi? Please say yes!

    Hope your return flight to the U.S. was nice and smooth.

    1. admin November 17, 2014 at 3:22 pm

      Your favorite sushi place was undergoing renovations… it opened the day we left… 🙁 I also didn’t know the Dobuita Street signs changed. Flight was ok! I didn’t sleep, but I had the middle seat next to me empty, so no complaints. 🙂