Our friend Chris on Sorn went for a little adventure on his paddleboard and happened across a sign for another trail at the head of the bay that we hadn’t noticed before! The trail needed some clean up with the machete like the others did (excellent arm workout!).

Bird nest

I think this is the well?

The trail splits between the “well” and the bay. The bay is on the inside of the mangrove river that starts at the Compass Cay Marina. There were ruins of a few attempted houses and what looks like might have been the starts of a bridge.

After our hike we got our canoe out and went on a little exploratory paddle of the mangroves. We saw a baby shark and literally scared the shit out of it. Unfortunately the mangroves were a little too shallow to really explore in our canoe but it was nice to get it out again!

After our day of shenanigans we had Sorn over for dinner and Jason made pizzas for everyone!


While we were hanging out on the boat Jason remembered there was a rocket launch scheduled. We were lucky enough to wander outside on the deck a few minutes before it launched and caught the whole thing.

The night launches are awesome!
Booster rocket landing behind Sorn!