Water Cay is the northern-most island in the chain that offers anchorages with any real protection, which makes it the stopping point for many cruisers. There’s not a lot at the island because it’s mostly low rocks and no one really spends much time there to make trails. The locals use it as a base for fishing so there are tons of sharks and swimming can be hazardous. We found a shallow boat spot to share with Sorn and got away from the more “populated” anchorages, which was nice.

She’s kind of a pretty boat!
Sorn doing cool trimaran shit.
View from the top
Vines over scraggle rocks
Not an easy walk here. I’m always worried that I’m going to fall into a hole in the rocks never to be found again.
Water was a gorgeous blue!

Water Cay is our last stop in the Jumentos and Ragged Islands. From here we head back north to Long Island and eventually back to Florida! The water clarity, sea life, and remote ruggedness of these islands make them truly a special place to visit!