We have a few days of nice weather predicted so our plan is to hang out here at Prime Cay and enjoy all that it has to offer while we figure out where we want to go next! Our first task was to gather up our machete and tools and head to the long hiking trail to do some trail maintenance. A few years ago we were here at Prime waiting out a storm for like 10 days and spent a few of those days hacking branches and vines out of the way to clean up the nearly nonexistent hiking trail to the beach at the southern end of the island. I feel like we’ve adopted Prime Cay like people adopt sections of highway to pick up litter. This is our island and we’re going to keep it looking nice!

Park the dinghy is deep water because the tide goes out fast here!
The ocean

Trash to mark the trail entrance
South beach! Isn’t it beautiful?


Sand bar

One activity that I didn’t get any pictures of was our freediving mission out to the coral so Jason could hunt lobster. I brought my underwater camera but didn’t want to deal with assembling it all. Next time, I promise! We did come home with a lobster though!

Look at all those fresh veggies too!