So last Monday we braved the I-5 traffic to drive all the way up to Ballard/Fremont in Seattle to run some errands.  It took almost 2 hours due to the ridiculous amount of traffic caused by people who cant’ freaking drive and kept running into each other and various walls… idiots. Either way, we made it. Early in fact.  So we stopped at Gasworks park for some photo fun.

Not sure what Gasworks actually is.  There was a sign that I didn't read because I was too interested in the graffiti all over everything.
Not sure what Gasworks actually is. There was a sign that I didn’t read because I was too interested in the graffiti all over everything.
I do love me some heavy industry...
I do love me some heavy industry…
This looked like an Orchid to me. Unlikely, but I enjoyed the contrast between the flower and the big rusty industrial complex
This looked like an Orchid to me. Unlikely, but I enjoyed the contrast between the flower and the big rusty industrial complex
Sheba.  Must be a particular homeless individual's name.  Written in spray foam.
Sheba. Must be a particular homeless individual’s name. Written in spray foam.
Old bridge of some kind. Wish I had an even wider angle lens. I had to really move around to get a composition that wasn't total crap.
Old bridge of some kind. Wish I had an even wider angle lens. I had to really move around to get a composition that wasn’t total crap.
There was a covered area with old motors etc that I usually would have been all over, but it was really early and I think there were lots of homeless people in there.
There was a covered area with old motors etc that I usually would have been all over, but it was really early and I think there were lots of homeless people in there.
Fiction has the best handwriting of the bunch
Fiction has the best handwriting of the bunch
random little dudes
random little dudes
Over the railing looking at Seattle
Over the railing looking at Seattle
No trespassing. Obviously there's a way because there's graffiti...
No trespassing. Obviously there’s a way because there’s graffiti…

I wanted to stop and see the Fremont troll, but after battling downtown traffic, by the time we found the darn thing I just wanted to get to where we were going. Stupid troll… I’ll make it over eventually. We found the best Cuban restaurant I’ve ever been to.  Geo’s Cuban is within walking distance from Shilshole Marina.  Almost worth another trip up north to get one of those Cuban sandwiches… They also had Cuban coffee, but I know my limits… 😉

More stylized than usual, but I liked it anyway.
More stylized than usual, but I liked it anyway.
Haphazard portrait
Haphazard portrait
Why you gotta be all up in my grill?
Why you gotta be all up in my grill?

Had some time to kill before we even thought about heading back south to get home, so we wandered around Ballard. (I’m assuming this is Ballard, I’m not from the big city) Saw a LOT of nice cars. Had some tasty curry.  Pretty standard walkabout.

Old Ballard oil truck. It was for sale. I wasn't tempted.
Old Ballard oil truck. It was for sale. I wasn’t tempted. (ok, maybe a little…)
Love truck door art
Love truck door art
So many layers of flaking paint!
So many layers of flaking paint!
cargo containers down by the shipyards
cargo containers down by the shipyards
Aleutian Mariner.  I googled to see if this was one of those Alaska crab fishing boats from that show I don't watch.  But I don't think that it is. Pretty boat though.
Aleutian Mariner. I googled to see if this was one of those Alaska crab fishing boats from that show I don’t watch. But I don’t think that it is. Pretty boat though.
Fun painted fence
Fun painted fence
Sea monster
Sea monster
Box full of scrap plywood
Box full of scrap plywood
Don't you love how I say "nice cars" and then post the old oil tanker? Does this make up for it?
Don’t you love how I say “nice cars” and then post the old oil tanker? Does this make up for it?
How about that? mmmmm?
How about that? mmmmm?
Stacks of rocks. Awful photo, but I love the stacked rocks. No idea why.
Stacks of rocks. Awful photo, but I love the stacked rocks. No idea why.
Highland games mural.
Highland games mural.
Fish in tile
Fish in tile
Gelato!!! I had Nutella flavored... yes, that IS a thing!
Gelato!!! I had Nutella flavored… yes, that IS a thing!
Architect studio. I still think that would have been a fun job.
Architect studio. I still think that would have been a fun job.
No trash!!! ...but those are dumpsters?
No trash!!! …but those are dumpsters?
Between the buildings
Between the buildings
Doodle of a guy riding a bicycle. Even the vandals are hipsters...
Doodle of a guy riding a bicycle. Even the vandals are hipsters…
I had to circle back around to get this one.  Loved this shot. :)
I had to circle back around to get this one. Loved this shot. 🙂


1 Comment

  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg September 25, 2014 at 3:22 pm


    I think the pink flowers growing on the fence at Gasworks Park is called a Snap Dragon.
    Ingersoll Rand is still in business! They make tools that I’ve used plenty of time here at PSNS.
    Yup, you were in Ballard, alrighty. Uff da!
    The Aleutian Mariner isn’t one of the crab boats from the Deadliest Catch TV show but it looks very similar to one of them called the Northwestern. I gotta make it over to the Ballard dock yards in the summer to see some of them.
    As a kid, I used to live just above Ballard, up on Phinney Ridge. We’d come down to Ballard to the only McDonalds within 5 miles for our fancy Sunday dinner. Back then, I would’ve never believed that it would become the yuppy town it is today. I know the old timers hate it.
    The last photo of the steps is my favorite.