Well in an unprecedented streak of utter failure, I managed to forget to upload about half my photos from Sasebo.  I thought I had more when I was making that first post. Oops…. so without further ado, here are the rest from mine and Jessica’s wanderings around town…


Guy on a building who looks a little like our good buddy Lawrence.
Guy on a building who looks a little like our good buddy Lawrence.
We came upon this massive gathering of kids in kimonos and suits. Maybe it was graduation?


They were all so pretty!
They were all so pretty!
Love that dude’s hair! These were the badasses of the group with their awesome hair and leather jackets.


Another poorly translated random sticker.
Another poorly translated random sticker.
Jessica and I wandered up to the residential part of town. Very compact up here, but still super clean and organized. Neat to see how the Japanese all really live.


Sad little kitty.
Sad little kitty.
Colorful bird painted on a wall.


Unicycle gang of schoolgirls.  They were actually all very good.
Unicycle gang of schoolgirls. They were actually all very good.
Even the drainage solutions in Japan are decorative and beautiful.


At sunset.
At sunset.
Right after school lets out.


The main graffiti "artist" in Sasebo.
The main graffiti “artist” in Sasebo.


Not again!!!!!
Not again!!!!!
Colorful flag at the entrance to a school playground.


Oranges were growing in Japan
Oranges were growing in Japan
TAG, you’re it.


Art on a wall by the park
Art on a wall by the park
That guy has a Mini Cooper purse! (bag… man bag… obviously.)


Boardwalk in Sasebo
Boardwalk in Sasebo


old men playing Mahjongg in the park. Different culture entirely, but people are still the same. They look just like the old men in the US playing checkers in the park. ;)
old men playing Mahjongg in the park. Different culture entirely, but people are still the same. They look just like the old men in the US playing checkers in the park. 😉


Dangit Houru or whatever your name is.
Dangit Houru or whatever your name is.


poor Rukus...
poor Rukus…
Stickers. They say “I want to vandalize! but not permanently, because that would be rude.”


Eye of Sauron?
Eye of Sauron?
sad face.
sad face.
Moon through the clouds on the night I finally made it back to Washington.