We’ve spent almost a week in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota, so it’s time to move on!

I found a few rocks
Loaded up and ready to roll!

Goodbye Minnesota!

We ended up at a Prentice Park city campground just outside Ashland, WI.  It’s a small campground with maybe 10 spots but we snagged one since it wasn’t that far of a drive and we got there early. We could have explored this area more because there’s a bike trail that goes around the campground and into town and along the coast.  As it was, we drove into town to check it out.  Turns out it’s a super cute little place on the shore of Chequamegon Bay of Lake Superior.  I loved the old brick buildings, murals, and historical architecture.  They also had a fantastic coffee shop!

look at the stone detailing on the roof
obligatory old theater
inside the black cat cafe