So the weather here in Arkansas has been unbearably hot and Jason and I have pretty much been trapped inside the house.  As a diversion we took a little drive up to Roaring River State Park in Missouri mostly just to get out of the house but also to check it out.  The drive itself wound through the trees in rural Missouri and ended at the park where you drive along the river to the head where there’s a gorgeous spring.  The spring feeds a trout hatchery so we got to see trout of various sizes and Jason even scrounged up a few quarters so I could feed the fish.  (one kibble at a time so it lasts longer). The water was insanely clear so I could actually get a few pictures of the trout swimming.  I really really wanted to swim in the spring but that’s not allowed unfortunately. That cool water would have been amazing in this hot weather!

The spring itself is located inside a huge crack in the rock face.  Another amazing place to escape the heat because cool air just pours out of the crack.  We stood there for a very long time marveling at the caribbean blue, crystal clear water.