I love Christmas. I’m one of those people who puts the tree up on Thanksgiving and has presents wrapped and sitting happily underneath it the day after.  However, judging by the amount of glares I get due to my excessive Christmas cheer, this isn’t the case for everyone!  It came up in conversation last week that Rashell and Jessica both needed to finish their shopping before they head back home for the holidays and that Jessica was going to take the ferry to Seattle to do just that.  Well, why not make an errand into an adventure?

We got our boat, Salacia, back a month ago after getting repaired and Jason was really anxious to take her out.  So while I warmed up the engines, Jason went to pick up our friends and we all piled into the boat and headed out of the port on our way to Blake island for breakfast. We had multiple pots of coffee, sticky buns, bacon, and eggs. Pretty much the most perfect breakfast ever and a hearty start to a day full of hiking up the Seattle hills and combat shopping with the throngs of tourists.

Majestic aircraft carriers on the way out of Bremerton

Majestic aircraft carriers on the way out of Bremerton

Olympic Mountain Range
Olympic Mountain Range
Good morning Nimitz!
Good morning Nimitz!
I love being awake when the sun comes up!
I love being awake when the sun comes up!
Cascade Mountains
Cascade Mountains
Seattle ferry
Seattle ferry
Sunrise over Puget Sound
Sunrise over Puget Sound

After our amazing breakfast (and more coffee) we pulled the anchor and motored on towards Seattle and our final destination of Bell Harbor Marina.  We booked a slip for the day (literally the only slip our boat will fit in!) and headed out into Seattle for shenanigans!

Lord Nelson Victory Tug. These are so freaking cute!
Lord Nelson Victory Tug. These are so freaking cute!
Dinghy full of water...
Dinghy full of water…
Rashell on the walkway
Rashell on the walkway
Jason on his way back with paperwork.
Jason on his way back with paperwork.
There's Salacia in all her blinding white glory in the bottom left corner
There’s Salacia in all her blinding white glory in the bottom left corner
Lovely portrait of Cam on the boat.
Lovely portrait of Cam on the boat.
Jessica behind bars
Jessica behind bars
Not amused!
Not amused!
Fish fountain by the water. Not full because it would just freeze...
Fish fountain by the water. Not full because it would just freeze…
I'm last because my knee hurts. sigh...
I’m last because my knee hurts. sigh…
The overpass decorated for christmas!
The overpass decorated for christmas!
Tiny lock on the chainlink fence
Tiny lock on the chainlink fence
Playing with shutter speed on the highway
Playing with shutter speed on the highway
I also liked the little logo and the shape of the sign structure.
I also liked the little logo and the shape of the sign structure.
The interstate and downtown in the background.
The interstate and downtown in the background.
Random tagging.
Random tagging.
Creative mural and dancing mannequins on the patio.
Creative mural and dancing mannequins on the patio.

Also note in the above photo the first Starbucks! The line is always around the block for the same swill they serve in all the other Starbucks… so I’ve never gone! Either way, the marina is probably closer to Pike Place than the ferry terminal is!  We headed straight there to get our errands run.  I didn’t actually need anything (Finished my shopping around July, remember?) so I wandered around and watched the people and took random shots of interesting things.

Lady selling flowers
Lady selling flowers
I wish Jason would buy me flowers, mostly just so I could take photos of them...
I wish Jason would buy me flowers, mostly just so I could take photos of them…
Tasty dead fish
Tasty dead fish
I don't think those are rainbow trout.
I don’t think those are rainbow trout.
I looove neon signs!
I looove neon signs!
It's definitely easier to buy the salmon than it is to catch the darn things around here...
It’s definitely easier to buy the salmon than it is to catch the darn things around here…
More neon signs!
More neon signs!
So much fresh fruit.. I wanted a smoothie so bad!
So much fresh fruit.. I wanted a smoothie so bad!
Now that's some funny stuff!
Now that’s some funny stuff!
More fruits and vegetables
More fruits and vegetables
Fresh seafood! I wouldn't mind some BBQ shrimp...
Fresh seafood! I wouldn’t mind some BBQ shrimp…
Those salmon look like they're screaming because they're cold...
Those salmon look like they’re screaming because they’re cold…
Tray of frozen fish
Tray of frozen fish
Another funny sign!
Another funny sign!
The caption on the sign in the background made me laugh.
The caption on the sign in the background made me laugh.
We randomly ended up standing on some chalk. Good job on situational awareness, guys!
We randomly ended up standing on some chalk. Good job on situational awareness, guys!
Just so you know...
Just so you know…
Jason and another flower stand
Jason and another flower stand
Those lilies are actually really pretty.
Those lilies are actually really pretty.
Bicycle taxi. I bet that guy has some leg muscles!!!
Bicycle taxi. I bet that guy has some leg muscles!!!
Down below to the gum wall. (we didn't go. it's so nasty!)
Down below to the gum wall. (we didn’t go. it’s so nasty!)
Rashell bought a caramel apple because reasons.
Rashell bought a caramel apple because reasons.
Cam's fantastic motocross gloves
Cam’s fantastic motocross gloves
Hidden portrait of a girl looking at the gum wall
Hidden portrait of a girl looking at the gum wall
There was a santa themed pub crawl today. Made the people watching even more entertaining than usual.
There was a santa themed pub crawl today. Made the people watching even more entertaining than usual.
Kid chasing a pigeon
Kid chasing a pigeon
We all needed auxiliary coffee.
We all needed auxiliary coffee.
I thought the contrast between the no stopping sign and the walking woman was interesting.
I thought the contrast between the no stopping sign and the walking woman was interesting.
Concrete building under construction.
Concrete building under construction.
Power lines and vintage brick
Power lines and vintage brick
Obligatory tourist shot of the Pike Place sign.
Obligatory tourist shot of the Pike Place sign.
Fresh holiday wreaths!
Fresh holiday wreaths!
Rows of buildings.
Rows of buildings.
Interesting roofline on that one.
Interesting roofline on that one.
Pier 66
Pier 66
Shipping port in the distance
Shipping port in the distance
I work on the white barge to the left of the photo.
I work on the white barge to the left of the photo.
Colorful photo of the Seattle wheel
Colorful photo of the Seattle wheel

After weeks of rain and clouds, the day actually cleared off magnificently and I got some sunset photos to go with my sunrise! I love it when I get to complete the set. 😉

Sailboat and mountains
Sailboat and mountains
The Olympic mountains from the other side.
The Olympic mountains from the other side.
Sailboat at sunset
Sailboat at sunset
Blue heron perched on the wall
Blue heron perched on the wall
Pretty majestic
Pretty majestic
Sleeping baby seal
Sleeping baby seal
I hate them, but the little shits sure are cute.
I hate them, but the little shits sure are cute.
Goodnight sun!
Goodnight sun!
...and because it doesn't deserve it's own post, here's the moon photo I got a few days ago from the comfort of my living room.
…and because it doesn’t deserve it’s own post, here’s the moon photo I got a few days ago from the comfort of my living room.

After having the boat out of commission for so long, it’s been really fun to have it back.  The wind was calm, but the weather was cold! If we plan on winter cruising often we’re going to have to upgrade the heaters.  Everyone except for Jason (because he has to drive!) ended up under a giant blanket fort for the cruise home. We should do this more often!

