After the wind storm was over, Jason and I moved south from Cambridge back to Staniel Cay. I messaged a fellow cruiser chick on Instagram to see if she wanted to meet up! (My first time doing that. So nervous!) turns out she did want to hang out and meet other cruisers since it was her and her husband’s first season on the boat! We ended up going kayaking and it was a blast! Cruiser people are so awesome!

Me and my new buddy Saskia!

One of the resident nurse sharks was super curious about the kayaks tied behind the boat and kept doing laps and getting close to them to see what they were!

That’s too close! Lol
Of course Jason went to investigate!

We met up with our new friends Saskia and Ross and some people they had met earlier at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club for dinner.  The food and company was excellent!