Now that I have my fancy new kayak (that I love!) I’m trying to make good use of it! Since the winds were still calm I took it out for a little paddle around the anchorage at monument beach. The water here is fantastically clear and towards the north end it shallows up to a foot or less and it’s sprinkled with large red starfish!

I couldn’t manage to get the boat lined up with the monument so this will have to do.
Look at that beautiful water!
The rocks at the shore line are unique here
Another shot of just the monument. People use the rocks to write their boat names or make pictures at the base of the hill. 

Last year we made some friends, Sue and John, on a boat called Andiamo Too.  We just happened to run into them in Georgetown and they invited us to dinner.  Dinner happened to be steak and lobster! What a feast!


We had a fantastic day hiking and boating and exploring the island. Meeting up with old friends was just the icing on the cake!