One of my favorite things about Georgetown is all of the hiking trails that people have made over the years on Stocking island. Since we were at monument beach, it was only fair that we tackle the monument hike! This is about as much elevation as you’re going to get in the islands! It’s made a little harder because some of the steeper parts are sand and people have installed ropes so you can pull yourself up! The view from the top is pretty nice though!

Dolphins swimming by our boat at anchor in the morning
Some nice cruiser left these on the beach for others to use! I’m not sure I’m ready for the 20# kettlebell though
Yep, that’s a nice beach!
The dock was recently rebuilt by some of the local cruisers! It used to be in pieces but is now usable again!
Looks like this is the old dock. It’ll probably end up as a beach bonfire eventually.
Here’s the monument. The base is probably over 6’ tall. Hard to get a sense of scale!
Pretty nice view from the top!
Artsy photo because I love lens flare
Survey marker
Cairns overlooking the ocean
The calm ocean and shallow pools of clear water
I wonder how long this property has been for sale…
More beach. Lots of shells on this one!
My hair is long enough for tiny pigtails!