We spent a week in Fort Pierce hanging out and finishing up some boat chores while the boat was in the water at the marina.  Finally the solar panels and arch were all installed and we can finally leave!  There are only about 70 of out boats ever made and through sheer luck there were 4 of them in the area so my friend Lisa organized a rendezvous for everyone at a little island just across the water from the marina! We had a blast dinghying around and checking out everyone’s boats and hanging out. Shenanigans were had!  It was also fantastic to finally be using the boat and hanging out in the water at anchor!

Dinner with friends in the dinghy
That sea breeze!
Jason studiously ignoring my selfies!
Goodbye marina!
Finally headed out the channel
Me and my mom! <3
Dad and the cat napping in the cockpit

There was even a little sandy island next to where we were anchored that we took the dinghy out to!

Dad found a log
The parents walking at low tide

Finally some full shots of True North floating!

We have a fleet of kayaks…

Since we moved onboard we brought everything with us and effectively put it all away.  After being on the boat for a little bit we realize that we’ve brought way too much shit with us and we need to downsize yet again.  (after seeing all the other boats without stuff stacked on the countertops and waterlines a few inches higher than ours… whoops!)

This is the first purge!

The next morning I woke up and the sunrise was amazing!  I was discussing this with Lisa through text and said that I was too lazy to get my real camera out to capture it… then I guilted myself into getting my good camera and taking some pictures.