We really enjoyed having nice new sails on our last boat and when we realized that the sails were looking pretty worn on True North, we decided that she needed new sails as well!  We went with the same high tech composite sails as last time, only this time we got to choose and have them made in a sweet gray color!

Removing the old main sail
This is a tray that “catches” the main when it’s lowered.
New sails in a bag!
They’re literally tarp silver! Didn’t think of the connotation but it makes me laugh now.

The representative from North Sails, Bob, came by to help us install them and make sure everything fit.  Unfortunately, he took the main and one of the forward sails back with him for some tweaks.  They should be perfect when we get them back though!

Raising the main
ooooh! pretty!

The guy from North Sails is apparently pretty particular about the fit and ours weren’t quite right so he took 2 of them back to the shop for a few tweaks. A few weeks later in Stuart a representative for the shop came by and helped us so the final install on them! The wind was super light and we had the huge head sail unfurled at the dock!

We sailed a little bit from Stuart to West Palm but just spent all day today sailing south down the coast.  The sails worked awesome for the most part.  This boat is considerably faster than Peregrine was and we were hauling ass at 9 knots where Peregrine would have been doing 6. The trip wasn’t without issues though… we had one of our batten pocket thingies fall off.  (This keeps them from coming out of the sail) and yesterday the pin came out of the head sail and it was just flying loose in the breeze.  Luckily it was light wind and Jason was able to wrangle it back in.  Overall though, we’re starting to learn the boat and fixing all her little issues to prep for our Bahamas crossing!

I had to go up the mast again to untangle a line
The main sail in the boom
Jason and the wayward sail
Underway in the morning
Finally moving!