Things I learned today:

1. I’m not afraid of heights

2. I need a tether for my phone

We had some repairs to do at the top of the mast and since we’re not going to pay someone to pull it out, that meant that someone had to climb up there and get it done. That someone was me because apparently I’m a daredevil. We had some friends come over and double check all the safety equipment.  One of the tasks I was doing is adding a second line to use as a safety in case the halyard broke, which means that the ascent was going to be done without a second safety line. Excellent. I also needed to remove our static dissipator (lightning rod) since the mount broke and it’s flopping around on the top of the mast precariously. It’s metal with spikes at the end so I really don’t want it to fall down anywhere near my head! The last thing was to reinstall one of the bolts from a pulley we had up at the top of the mast. I found it on the deck the other day and, unfortunately, that’s where it came from. So I donned all my harnesses, gathered all the tools I thought I might need, and had jason hoist me up the mast with a loop around it in case I fell, it could slow me down. I really don’t think it was as shady as it sounds now that I’m writing it all down. I ended up being up there for a few hours, which was uncomfortable. We weren’t able to get the line run the way we wanted inside the mast, but it’s up and through the pulley. Everything else went just fine and I finally got to land back on the deck safely and stretch! Overall, going up the mast was kind of fun. The view is incredible!

If anyone is curious, the mast is 59’ tall and my legs were sore for daaaays from holding on so I didn’t swing around from the wind up there!