Some of the islands in the Bahamas are so rocky and overgrown that hiking can be a little perilous. We saw a trailhead on Double breasted cay just down from the anchorage (marked with a pile of trash as usual) and decided to check it out! Luckily the trails here were pretty well marked and there were only a few places we had to scramble. The islands down this way actually have a little elevation so we saw some cliffs and had a fantastic view of the water below. At one point on the way back we even had to swim a bit to get to the other side. The water is shallow but I was glad I didn’t bring my big camera with me. Overall this was probably one of the most diverse and interesting hikes we’ve done so far!

Wonder how often those wash up
Creepy doll head to start the hike off right

Tragic amount of trash

Little tide pool
View from the end of the island
We saw some rays swimming around in the deep water
Pretty neat!