In hindsight we should have stayed another day at Crab Cay and explored all of the islands there, but we chose to move a few miles further to Manjack Cay. I saw it on the map and it advertised excellent snorkeling, a mangrove to explore, and a reef on the ocean side for fishing!  However we got rained on pretty much the entire sail down a spent s few hours huddled inside the boat waiting for the rain to pass. Jason made two loaves of bread to pass the time!

While jason was making bread I worked on cleaning the boat.  It’s harder than it looks to minimize an entire life into something just over 40’ long and we ended up bringing way more clothing than we needed. We pretty much wear the same 3-4 outfits so I now have yet another bag of clothes to donate and another of things to send home with mom when she visits. This closet and two drawers under the bed is the entirety of our clothing collection. I’d imagine next year it’ll be half of that still…

We had a pretty relaxing evening doing nothing.  Jason turned on our underwater light just to see what might be swimming around.  Turns out this bay has squid! We quickly gathered up the squid jigs and had 2 in the bucket pretty much immediately. (Forgot to get pictures! Dangit!) apparently these squid are smarter than the ones in Washington because they stopped going for the lure after the first two got taken and we didn’t get another squid after that! I cleaned them up for calamari later!

The next morning after breakfast (on Jason’s homemade bread!) we took the dinghy out exploring.  The shoreline here is also rocky and the point on the end has a Little Rock cave  that’s pretty cool.  We also saw an owl!

Yes that’s a panning action shot on my phone! Lucky!
Neat rocks

This little island also has some mangroves and a river that cut through it.  I’m obsessed with mangroves for some reason so we took the dinghy up into them! There were SO MANY sea turtles!

Having a good time!

I did some snorkeling while jason followed me in the dinghy. (Because of sad broken toe nail) and then had some quality time laying up on deck in the sun! It was an excellent day!