After we pulled into west end thoroughly exhausted we tied up at a private dock owned by a friend of the family we’re traveling with. This was super convenient because the marina here is super expensive and there aren’t any anchorages nearby. The marina has a pool, beach access, a tiki bar, and laundromat. I think we’re gonna be ok!

Empty house across the canal
Nice beach!
Even a hammock!
Clear water and sand!
At the dock
Empty lots and a few houses
The best cracked conch I’ve had yet!
Cats finally relaxing on the boat
Here we are!
Dart napping on my laptop as usual
Fish tacos on our friends boat
I found a pretty shell!
We bought some lobster off a local for super cheap!
Duster doesn’t look too upset
Ocean rolling in with the heavy wind

We spent 10 days in west end waiting for the wind and waves to die down so we could go back out into the ocean, get through the shallow cut and into the protected water. No one wanted a repeat of the unpleasantness that was our first ocean crossing so we were ok waiting around for good weather but everyone was starting to get a little stir crazy.

On our last super windy day I decide to go for a little run around the complex like I have been doing.  I get to my turn around point next to this gorgeous private resort and all of a sudden I’m surrounded by two dogs that just came out of nowhere.  I yell at them but they don’t leave and one of them starts nipping at me.  Their handler heard me scream and came over and shoots the dogs away but I ended up with one bite on my left arm and two spots that are definitely going to be sore.  Awesome. So I’m upset and crying and the guys drives me and jason to the medical clinic in town where they patch me up. The next morning we’re supposed to be leaving the dock finally but we can’t now because we have to go back to the clinic to get a prescription for antibiotics from the doctor. They open at 9 so jason and I beg a ride from one of the local workers at the marina and end up waiting until 10:30 because apparently the doctor didn’t get to work until 10.  Awesome. Then we had to call a driver to come get us and take us 20 minutes into town to the pharmacy to get the antibiotics but when we get back they were the wrong ones anyway and I’m just going to take the ones we have on the boat.  We finally got underway around noon.  On one hand, yay we’re finallllllly moving! But on the other hand due to the late start we’re not going to make our original destination.  The only place to stop is a little island called Mangrove Cay that’s halfway.  It’s not very protected from wind or waves but it’ll do just fine! I’m ready to leave west end behind and move on to different scenery!