After arriving in Stuart a day ago I can safely say that *now* we are in south florida! The temperatures are up in the high 70’s, it’s sunny, the water is clear, and there are palm trees everywhere! This is the florida that I wanted! We’re staying on another mooring ball at Sunset Bay Marina, which is super nice.  The marina has laundry, lounge, showers, deck chairs outside on a huge patio and… a built in coffee shop! I’m home!! 🙂

On sunday we woke up and got moving fairly early to go for a walk downtown before the farmer’s market started.

Nice old cars right next to the marina

Train bridge
Highway bridge
Cute house!

A new mural being painted

the old Lyric theater

The walk was super pleasant along the boardwalk next to the water. The mornings in florida are always cool and pleasant and nothing was busy yet.  We finally made our way over to the farmers market and browsed the stuff for sale and added some more items to our provisions on the boat!

too bad I cant ship one of these pretty orchids to mom
We picked up some truffle cheese
fresh fruit
Interesting types of mushrooms
Conch salad for a snack
Our final bounty!

We ended up with a 4 pack of amazing muffins, 2 pieces of cheese, conch salad, a mango bread pudding, and some honeybell oranges!

They honeybell oranges are only available for a few weeks out of the year and are apparently super hard to find.  Lucky for us we just happened to be going through where they’re grown at the right time.  They’re a mix between a tangerine and a grapefruit and, unsurprisingly, taste like honey.  They’re delicious!

I also have some more random photos for the end of this post:

Dart finally made his way to the back of the boat. So brave! LOL
Vintage mcdonalds sign
Duster has started laying on top of me for some reason. Adorably annoying!
Got bored and made Dart a rope cat harness. He didn’t approve.

Our wonderful friend Caroline works at a shrimp farm gave us a gigantic bag of shrimp from work. (seriously…they’re gigantic!) So we had shrimp for dinner! Jason whipped up a honey bourbon glaze. (I chose well!)


We also ended up walking over 3 miles to go to the hardware store and ended up buying a bunch of random shit at the boat supply place along the way.  My legs were tired when we got back! (I’m dumb and wore sandals) Maybe tomorrow we will do the 6+ mile hike to the closest home depot…