Steens mountain is one single gigantic mountain (not a range…just the one!) located in Harney county, Oregon.  At its highest point it reaches over 9700 feet! Due to the elevation and climate in the area the steens mountain road is only open for a few months of the year in the height of summer when all of the snow is melted and it’s safe to drive.  We head up here every time it’s open because the views are amazing in the gorges and later in the fall like now the aspen trees are turning their gorgeous yellow color.

Our first stop was Kiger gorge.

Le wild nature photographer
The gorge was formed by 2 competing glaciers!
Fall colors

Up the road a few more miles is the parking area for the peak.  It’s a much longer hike to the top than I remember it being, especially at elevation!  There’s a big radio/com tower at the top.  The views are spectacular looking over the Alvord desert and dry lake bed below.  The smoke from the wildfires in California rolled in while we were up there and made an odd orange haze in the air.  It was high noon but felt overcast and late.  Made for some interesting atmosphere in the photos though!

Just below the peak of Steens is Wildhorse Lake, which is a steep and treacherous 2.5 mile hike one way.  Due to the elevation and our general lack of fitness, we didn’t bother doing it!

I don’t even want to know how cold the water in that lake is! Hope that guy made it out ok!

Gotta get that shot!

After driving the rest of the road and marveling at the beauty of it all, we headed down the mountain to nicer temperatures and to hunt down our camp site for the night!