When I don’t want to do something, I end up procrasti-cleaning.  Today I didn’t want to mess with the refrigeration, so I turned my sights to the interior wood finish.. because it absolutely does not matter. 😉

I started by applying some teak oil just to see what would happen.  It made it shinier, but mostly just because I smeared oil on it.  It’s pretty obvious at this point that the interior wood isn’t just oiled, but has a varnish or sealant on it.  Good to know, but now I have to wipe oil off of my door. LOL

Now that I know I have varnish, I found some varnish remover to see if I could strip it off easily without having to hose out the interior of the boat to clean it off.  It worked pretty well on the corner of the floor, but not super great on the cabinet.

You can kind of see the patch that I worked on.

Overall, I rated it not worth my time to do, especially given I have no easy way to bleach the dark stains out of the wood when I’m done.

Now that I’ve given up on stripping the finish off of the wood, why not try applying another layer of varnish to liven it up a bit?

The bottom part of the cabinet is already dark, but maybe it’ll dry pretty.

I also applied a layer of varnish to the corner of floor that I stripped the finish off of.

That’s not noticeable at all…

The finish of the teak wood looks great, but the white holly stripe is a different type of wood, impossible to get the stain out of and is only that white because the stripe is painted on! What a scam! So anything we use to strip the finish is going to remove the white stripe anyway.  Looks like I get to buy another rug!

I also put a finish coat of varnish on the pieces that go around the mast that Jason stripped and cleaned the other day.  They’re super dark, but maybe they will lighten as they dry. They’re not going to match at all….

Overall I just learned that I think I’m just going to go ahead and paint the interior instead of restoring the wood. 😉

One other thing I did today was finish gathering the wiring in one of the bilge spaces so that water can drain and dirt won’t build up.  This was by far the worst area, so I’m glad I finally got it done.

I need a before picture to really show the difference, but I’m pleased with it!

Tomorrow we’re not allowed to procrastinate! 🙂