I’ve really been dropping the ball on taking pictures of the work we’re doing on the boat lately… or maybe the stuff we’re doing just isn’t that photogenic…

Today we spent a good part of the day working on wiring up the new alternator controller, figuring out what all needs to be hooked up and where it goes, and tying up some more loose ends.  No pictures of that because you guys have seen my engine already. 😉

While Jason was doing that I didn’t want to do anything truly useful, so I cleaned and painted the port size lazarette storage area in the cockpit.  I already did the starboard side and that fresh coat of bright white paint makes a huge difference! This locker is slightly smaller than the other side, but I’m sure I’ll think of some good storage to put in here.  I also started making a door to close off the hole where the generator went, but haven’t finished it yet.

So fancy! Needs a few spots touched up, but it looks so much brighter in there!

Following my theme of useless procrastination, instead of flushing the engine coolant like I needed to, I cleaned.  To my credit, we have family visiting soon and I know they’ll want to see the boat.  I thought it would be nice to have a place to sit!

It would be nice to be able to put those kitchen cabinets back in someday.
You can alllllmost sit on the sofa.

Believe it or not that is *hella* cleaner than it was before.  We have so many tools that we use all at once, so it’s hard to really put everything away at this point.  Hopefully soon it’ll come together.

We worked through lunch today, but when I went to use the bathroom I realized there was a huge storm headed right to the boat.  We decided this was as good a time as any to call it a day and get some food! The boat will still be there tomorrow!

That doesn’t look friendly.