It was pretty nice and cool this morning, so I went back into the starboard lazarette to finish cleaning up all the wiring that Jason left for me.  It’s looking pretty decent finally!

This took like 2 hours, believe it or not.
Did you know that 3 way connectors are a thing?

While I was going that, Jason was figuring out how to wire up the autopilot ram.  Apparently the instructions are very thorough for the autopilot control module, but nothing at all is said about the ram itself so he thought he would just call the company tech support and ask them! …2 hours later… he finally got his answer, but it only served to confirm something I had found an hour before. Awesome. While he was on the phone and on hold I started wiring up the internal plugs that connect to the controller.

the plug on the right is for the network
Now we have the network, case ground, and 12V supply

That’s all I can do on the controller until we hook it up to power and do some testing before we connect it to the ram.

This is the ram. It’s going to steer the boat for us while we lounge around on deck!

After 2 hours of listening to hold music, we took a break for lunch and to run to Ace again. When we got back it was blistering hot, but we decided to install the port side handrail anyway. It was much easier to get to than the other side since it’s right above the guest room mattress area and there’s nothing in the way.

done! now we have something to hold onto when we get on the boat!

I got some industrial strength velcro to hold up our smoke alarm/CO2 detector in the main cabin.  I just really didn’t want to drill any more holes in the boat, especially for something like this.

Not even very noticeable really.
Jason bought a little plug for the hole in the back of the fiberglass pedestal.

I also noticed that from above, our 4Runner looks pretty cool!

Look at that cool stuff on the top!

I think we got way more done today than the pictures show.  The autopilot will hopefully be pretty quick to install now that we have it all figured out and mostly wired up.  We’re going to wait on the ram until the arch is on so we don’t have to climb over it to install bolts and stuff.  Now that the handrails are installed, the guest bedroom is pretty much done aside from niceties I might install in there.  The galley is also ready for the cabinets to be reinstalled for good!